Zarządzaj dokumentami
dzięki e-Akta

Zapewniamy rewolucyjne rozwiązanie – e-Akta, które odmieni sposób, w jaki Twoja firma zarządza dokumentami.
Dzięki naszemu produktowi zyskasz nie tylko wyższą wydajność, ale także pełne bezpieczeństwo Twoich danych.
Pozbędziesz się również chaotycznych problemów związanych z przechowywaniem i dostępem do dokumentów!

Manage Your documents
with e-Akta

We provide a revolutionary solution – e-Akta – that will transform the way your company manages documents. With our product, you will not only be more efficient, but your data will be fully secure. You will also get rid of the chaotic problems associated with document storage and access!

Problem with document management?
We have the solution!

We provide a revolutionary solution – e-Acta, which will transform the way your company manages documents.
With our product, you will not only be more efficient, but your data will be fully secure.
You will also get rid of the chaotic problems associated with document storage and access!

Lack of effective organisation

Many companies face the problem of disorganised documentation, leading to difficulties in quickly finding the information they need. Lack of effective organisation can lead to delays in work and loss of valuable employee time.

Risk of data loss

Negligence in document management can result in the risk of losing important data or documents, which can have serious consequences for the business. Failure to systematically archive and secure documents can lead to irreparable losses.

Breaches of compliance and regulation

Companies must comply with certain regulations and policies related to data storage and protection. Failure to manage documents effectively can lead to legal compliance breaches and expose the company to financial penalties and reputational damage.

Sprawna organizacja dokumentów dzięki e-Akta

Efficient document organisation

With e-Acta, you can easily organise all your company documents, eliminating chaos and providing quick access to the information you need.

High level of security

e-Akta takes care of the security of your data, protecting it from loss and unauthorised access.

Wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa
Automatyzacja procesów

Process automation

Our product automates document management processes, saving you time and resources.

In summary... e-Akta is:

Advanced content and data management platform

Automatically describe and categorise accounting, incoming and outgoing mail documents. Import documents from any source. Download files from folders, retrieve emails from mailboxes via IMAP and POP3 protocols.

Unlimited integration possibilities with any external systems

Use SQL queries, import and export data to XLS, CSV files, etc. Ready-made modules for popular accounting systems: Comarch Optima, Sage Symfonia, InsERT, others.

Unlimited possibilities of creating and developing

Dedicated functionalities within established areas of company operation and business processes.

Have we convinced you?
Request a free call!

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